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OCD and Intrusive Thoughts Self Help
Start (9:51)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Overview of OCD (5:55)
Experiment - do your compulsions really help? (1:19)
Record your obsessions and compulsions - data collection
Your solutions become your problem (1:21)
Mindfulness for OCD (2:43)
Radical Acceptance (5:34)
Your negative brain
Your brain was not designed to keep you happy (1:33)
Why are my thoughts about 'bad things?' (2:18)
Mindfulness and Learning to Accept
Why Mindfulness? (3:17)
Getting Started (3:47)
Using Mindfulness to help with your thought processes (4:43)
The problem is not what you think (4:52)
Observe and describe (6:02)
Respond not react (1:52)
R.A.I.N stay in the present
Response Prevention
Response Prevention (4:18)
Imaginal Exposure (4:05)
Working with your compulsions for real (4:19)
Types of Intrusive Thoughts
Working with Difficult Thoughts (3:22)
Intrusive Thoughts regarding your sexual identity (2:06)
Women's Difficult Thoughts about children (2:37)
Sexualised Intrusive Thoughts (4:26)
Intrusive thoughts: Harm (2:11)
ROCD: Intrusive Thoughts about your relationship (4:08)
Religious Intrusive Thoughts (2:12)
How do I know the thoughts are not real?
How do I know I won't act on the thoughts? (1:49)
How do I know my sexual identity has not changed? (7:45)
How do I know I won't harm anyone? (5:55)
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Overview
Introduction to CBT (9:15)
Your thoughts are not real (2:47)
Change your thoughts (3:52)
CBT for Difficult Thoughts
Sexual Orientation Disorder (2:23)
CBT for women's intrusive thoughts about children (2:28)
CBT for Men's intrusive thoughts about children (2:44)
CBT Intrusive thoughts: Harm (1:41)
CBT for intrusive thoughts about your relationship (2:20)
CBT for religious intrusive thoughts (3:03)
Change what you are doing (2:11)
Self defeating beliefs you hold about yourself (5:14)
Working with your compulsions for real
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