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ROCD: Relationship Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Quick Overview
ROCD (4:08)
Course Guide and Example Time Frames
Relationship OCD - What you need to know
ROCD - what you think and what you do (5:31)
Experiment - are the things you do to help you, really helping? (1:19)
Record what you do
The things you do to help, are harming your relationship! (1:21)
Mindfulness for obsessions and compulsions (2:43)
Acceptance (5:49)
ROCD and your brain
Your brain was not designed to keep you happy! (1:33)
Your negativity Bias (2:18)
Calming it all down
Meditation (3:17)
Starting with mindfulness (2:17)
Gentle mindfulness practice (3:47)
Letting go of anxious thoughts (1:11)
Relax your body - mindful bodyscan
Mindfulness for Relationship OCD (4:47)
Observe and describe (6:02)
respond not react (1:52)
It's not your relationship that is the problem! (3:43)
Stay in the present
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (9:15)
Your thoughts are not real (2:47)
Reality Based Thoughts (3:52)
CBT for rocd (2:20)
What you believe about yourself (5:14)
Mindfulness for obsessions and compulsions
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