ROCD: Relationship Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Stop obsessing about your relationship

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Who will find this course useful?

You will find this course useful if you

Obsess about your relationship

Question and doubt your relationship

Are willing to explore the possibility that it is the way you are thinking about your relationship that might need changing

How does the course work?

The course will help you identify the problem

Your Instructor

Dr Elaine Ryan
Dr Elaine Ryan

Dr of Psychology

Chartered Psychologist with The British Psychological Society

Member of The UK Society for Behavioural Medicine

Member of the Division of Neuropsychology, BPS

Member of the Division of Health Psychology, BPS

Over 300 people have taken this course and I have a dynamic feedback form

where you can see how other people have rated the course


"This course is absolutely fantastic. I have been very happy with the experience thus far and can already feel a difference. My mind feels a lot lighter. Thank you so much

'I am so grateful for this course. It has helped me with my ROCD a lot. Also, thank you for all the info on your website regarding ROCD and OCD in general. It has helped me to recognise it, understand it, stop judging myself, start taking control. It is an ongoing process but I can already see the progress . Thank you so much!

'This course is simple and easy to use and has really helped so far with my understanding of ROCD. Thank you!

Retrain Your Brain®

Many difficulties can be overcome when you fully understand your problem . I can help you with this.

Find out more

ROCD - Intrusive thoughts about your relationship

You could be in a great relationship and suddenly start to question it.

Do I love him/her?

Are they cheating on me?

Should I leave?

Is this the right relationship for me?

This course is to help you find out is it ROCD or am I just not in love?

and to stop you coming out of a perfectly good relationship only to find that you have the exact same thoughts in another relationship

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 10 days and we will give you a full refund.

Get started now!

Your Instructor

Dr Elaine Ryan
Dr Elaine Ryan

Dr of Psychology

Chartered Psychologist with The British Psychological Society

Member of The UK Society for Behavioural Medicine

Member of the Division of Neuropsychology, BPS

Member of the Division of Health Psychology, BPS

Courses Included with Purchase

Retrain Your Brain® to Unlearn Anxiety
Dr Elaine Ryan

Original Price: €89